We offer complex services so we can meet your highest requirements.

Construction works

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Even though many people are capable to do construction work themselves, they may risk serious issues. These usually appear later and can be very dangerous. Repair raises the cost of construction and that is why it is important to call an expert so you are 100 % sure that the job is done well and professionally.
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When it comes to plumbing the most important part is to have water pipes installed correctly. Well installed plumbing will make your life easier because you don´t have to be worried about bad seals, leaking water and possible flooding. After some time even the pipes of the highest quality wear out and have to be replaced. Our company provides new plumbing but also plumbing reconstruction.
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It is important to choose the correct heating type for your household, because the costs of heating are growing each year. When choosing the ideal heating type you have to take into account certain factors such as location, availability of natural gas distribution, height above sea level, etc. We will gladly help you and advice you to find the perfect solution for your household.
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Cooling systems

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Get ready for summer by installing surface cooling, which will relieve you from tropical heat during hot summer days. Surface cooling is still relatively new but it works well and reliably. Ceiling cooling or combination of ceiling and surface cooling are the best options. The same system is then also used for heating.
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Air Conditioning

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Air conditioning can be installed in a house or an apartment, where it will make tropical summers more enjoyable. Hot summers are already quite common in most European countries and last for few weeks. Children and elderly tend to have problems during the hottest days and as a result they can suffer from overheating. After the air conditioning is installed, your household will have the perfect temperature because you will regulate it yourself.
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Ventilation is used mainly in spaces where it is impossible to use or open windows. Faultlessly installed ventilation is very beneficial. It helps to reduce fatigue, prevents from mold formation and it is very friendly to the health of people who are staying in the room. Its installation is great solution for many allergic people, too.
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